Saturday, January 24, 2009

Minister attacks banking bosses

Banks and their "grossly over-rewarded" executives are partly to blame for causing the economic recession, a government minister has said.

In an interview with the Times, City minister Lord Myners said the "golden days of huge bonuses" were over.

Executives had "no sense of the broader society around them", he added.

Lord Myners, the financial services secretary, said the bank system came close to collapse last October, before the government's £500bn rescue package.

"There were two or three hours when things felt very bad, nervous and fragile," he said.

"Major depositors were trying to withdraw - and willing to pay penalties for early withdrawal - from a number of large banks."

He said: "I have met more masters of the universe than I would like to, people who were grossly over-rewarded and did not recognise that. Some of that is pretty unpalatable.

Credits: BBC